Everything you need to know about financial literacy covers the minimum of finance explained in a simplified way to deliver the maximum of results.
It starts with the mindset, awareness, and taking responsibility for financial matters. It comprises general understanding about the market, monetary streams, banking, budgeting, debt, saving, investing, and forecasting. You will learn the essential financial pillars, the tech side and the best financial tools on market.
The earlier you learn the basics of how money works, the more successful you will become as financially literate in all upcoming stages of life. It is never too late to start learning, while starting early payoff. The investment in yourself will be the best one to succeed and payoff multiple times. Invest in yourself and start the journey to financial literacy today.
Financial sessions do NOT imply any investment adivsory and hold no liability in any form. You agree to term and conditions.
Sessions can be booked in the format lecturing course, training, interactive workshop, in English, German or French.